拼音:cán quē英文解釋:
deformity; fragmentation【醫】 anaperia; mutilation; pero-; peronia
(1) ∶傷殘等所致的四肢或器官缺失(2) ∶不完整;部分缺如稿頁殘缺 >>查看“殘缺”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.coloboma 2.incomplete 3.mutilation 4.fragmentary漢語造句:
- 由於硬體或軟體故障所引起的程式或數據的殘缺不全(即出錯)的現象。The mutilation of code or data caused by hardware or software failure.
- 我們都是殘缺的水桶。We are all cracked pots.
- 如此這般,借著殘缺的記憶,和手上僅有的照片,我還可以多少再抓取些回憶。Thus,with fragmentary memory and few photos,I still can recall something.
- 那套書已殘缺不全。That set of books is no longer complete.
- 環繞在土石堆周圍的是一大圈殘缺不全的立石。The remains of a great circle of standing stones surround the mound
- 你願載走它們這殘缺的負重嗎?Will you carry the burden of their lameness.