拼音:cán dòu英文解釋:
horsebean【醫】 broad bean; Vicia faba L.
一年生草本植物,莖方中空,花白色有紫斑,果實有莢,種子可食。也稱“胡... >>查看“蠶豆”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.broadbean 2.SemenViciaeFabae 3.horsebean 4.fieldbean 5.fava漢語造句:
- 單行的安排成一行,如豌豆的種子或一行蠶豆Arranged in one row, as the seeds of a pea or string bean
- 豆莢豆莢,如豌豆或蠶豆之類的,分成兩個裂片,其果實附著在其中一片裂片之上edge of the valves
- ~(60)Coγ射線誘導蠶豆染色體畸變的研究Studies on Chromosomal Aberrations Induced by~(60)Cor-Rays in Vicia faba
- 這聽蠶豆含250卡的熱值或250個卡里路。The tin of ban have a calorific value of250 calories or have250 calories
- 麥秸,豆秸豌豆、蠶豆、土豆或稻草的莖The stems of peas, beans, potatoes, or grasses.
- 腎臟的外形像一個蠶豆,有一個小拳頭的大小。Shaped like a bean, a kidney is roughly the size of a small fist.
- 腎臟的外形像一個蠶豆,有一個小拳頭的大小。Shaped like a bean, a kidney is roughly the size of a small fist
- 我侄兒經常吃蠶豆。My nephew eats broad beans all the time.