拼音:cán bào de英文解釋:
atrocious; brutal; cruel; ruffian; savage; tyrannical相關詞條:
1.ruffianly 2.procrustean 3.sanguinary 4.fell 5.rude例句:
- 她受到他們極為殘暴的待遇。She received the most barbarous treatment.
- 他是個殘暴的皇帝。He has a tyrannical reign on his empire.
- 一想到要嫁給那個殘暴的男子,她就嚇壞了。She is aghast at the think of marry the cruel man.
- 她的書把國王描繪成一個殘暴的人。Her book portrays the King as a cruel man
- 殘暴的人A brutish man
- 殘暴的惡人a cruel fiend
- 殘暴的統治者a sanguinary ruler