cruel; tragic中文解釋:
慘 (慘) cǎn 狠,惡毒:慘毒。慘刻。慘虐。慘烈。慘無人道。 可悲傷,使人...>>查看“慘”在國語字典中的解釋
- 她的經歷很悲慘,我們都深受感動[我們都很傷心]。Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow.
- 她聽到這一悲慘訊息,臉都白了。She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced.
- 他過了一段悲慘的生活。He has lived one section of miserable life.
- 人們告訴他那悲慘的訊息後,他已六神無主了。He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.
- 那位著名的政治家死於一場悲慘的意外事故。The famous politician died in a tragic accident.
- 婢女過著悲慘的生活。The handmaid led a miserable life.
- 他們哀訴自己處境悲慘。They bleated about how miserable they were.