拼音:cái yuán英文翻譯
exchequer; fund【經】 finances; fiscal resources; moneyed resources
1.fiscalresources 2.economicresources 3.revenue 4.treasuryreserves 5.resource 6.dollarcase 7.exchequer 8.financialsources 9.sourceofincome 10.thegoosethatlaysthegoldeneggs 11.fund例句:
- 要是財源不斷就好了!If only one had an unlimited supply of money!
- 律師如果有大量的訴訟委託人,就會財源不斷。If a lawyer has plenty of clients, he grows rich.
- 捷運局可能損失2億2100萬的財源。The Transit Authority stands to lose$221 million in funding.
- 除了極少量的積蓄外,他沒有可以依賴的財源。Aside from his meager savings, he has no resources to fall back on.