拼音:cǎi kuàng英文解釋:
mining【經】 mining
開採礦物露天採礦地下採礦 >>查看“採礦”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.mine 2.miningact 3.oremining 4.mineralextraction 5.winningoperations例句:
- 鑽井機一種在採礦中用來挖掘礦井時在石頭上打孔的工具A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
- 阿利斯斯普林斯澳大利亞一城鎮,位於該國中心附近。旅遊和採礦為其重要經濟來源。人口22,000A town of Australia located near the center of the country. Tourism and mining are important to its economy. Population, 22,000.
- 他在那裡被培養成一名採礦工程師。He was trained there as a mining engineer.
- 這個地區以採礦業為經濟基礎。This area depends on the mining industry.