拼音:bù yùn英文解釋:
sterility【醫】 aciesis; acyesis; dysgenesia; dysgenesis; sterilitas; sterility
(1) ∶指雜種之間的不孕,任何一方均能生育,但相互之間則不能(2) ∶病名。又... >>查看“不孕”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.infertility 2.acyesis 3.aciesis 4.barreness 5.barrenness 6.sterilisation 7.toreducesterility例句:
- 女性不孕症的各種原因是:The various causes of female sterility are:
- 182例不孕婦女腹腔鏡診斷結果分析Diagnosis and Analysis on 182 Cases of Infertile Women Under Pelviscopy
- 腹腔鏡下腹部子宮懸吊術治療不孕症32例臨床分析A Clinical Analysis of 32 Abdominal Hysteropexy under Laparroscopy
- 不孕症婦女應對方式調查分析Investigation on the Coping Styles of Infertile Women
- 女性不孕症垂體腺瘤的治療與結果Result of treatment and outcome of infertile women with pituitary adenoma
- 不孕的。用於母牛Not pregnant. Used of a cow.
- 不孕症中醫文獻的研究Documental Study of TCM in Infertility
- 超聲診斷不孕婦女輸卵管積液的價值Ultrasonographic Role in Diagnosing Sactosalpinx of Infertile Women