拼音:bù yuǎn de英文解釋:
- 撒拉這時正在帳篷門口聽著,而陌生人就坐在離門不遠的地方。Now Sarah was listening at the opening of the tent; and he was close beside it.
- 在不遠的林子裡有一隻鳥在叫。Not far away in the woods, a bird called
- 在不遠的地方,一趟載貨列車正隆隆地駛向鎮裡。Not far away,a freight train rumbled into town
- 擊出近距離的高飛球在高空擊出高但不遠的(球)To hit(a ball) high in the air but not far.
- 擊球手擊出一記離本壘不遠的高飛球,被二三壘間的游擊手接住。The batter hit a pop fly to the shortstop.
- 我出生在離這不遠的一個小鎮。I was born in a little town not far from here.