拼音:bú yì zhī cái英文解釋:
ill-gotten wealth; the mammon of unrighteousness【法】 filth lucre; ill-gotten gains; misgotten treasure; pelf
不當得的財物或暴利不義之財,非吾有也,不孝之子,非吾子也。—&mda... >>查看“不義之財”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 不義之財用不誠實手段如詐欺得到的錢財Money made dishonestly, as in a swindle
- 撈外快,圖謀不義之財out for a fast buck
- 不義之財其實是損失。An evil gain is equal to a loss.
- 大發不義之財Grew fat on illegal profits.
- 那些銀行搶竊者們到巴西去拿不義之財生活。The bank robbers went to Brazil to live on their ill-gotten gains.
- 不義之財其實是損失。An evil gain is equal to a loss
- 這使竊賊頓生謀取不義之財的歹念。It inspired the burglar’s desire for easy money.