拼音:bù yǐ英文解釋:
不停止操蛇之神聞之,懼其不已也,告之於帝。——《列子&m... >>查看“不已”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 她對姑媽的死至今仍悲傷不已。She is still very sad over the death of her aunt.
- 凡爾賽宮的富麗堂皇讓每個人都讚嘆不已。The magnificence of Versailles is admirable to everyone.
- 她在眾人面前所展現的的舞技令我羨慕不已。I envy her ability to dance in front of a crowd.
- 他的演講令觀眾震驚不已。His speech had an electric effect on the audience.
- 那莊嚴的場面使我們每個人都激動不已。The majesty of the occasion thrilled us all.
- 我聽到血淋淋的詳情,戰慄不已。I shuddered when I heard the gory details.