拼音:bù xiū biān fú英文解釋:
指性情浪漫,行為隨便,不拘小節的人。今泛指不守禮俗,行動隨便,或自我為是,旁若無... >>查看“不修邊幅”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他過去一向注意穿著,但自喪妻後,就變得隨隨便便,不修邊幅了。He used to be so smart, but since his wife's death he has run to seed.
- 不修邊幅的人a sloven
- 邋遢醜陋的女人被認為醜或不修邊幅的邋遢婦女A woman considered ugly or unkempt.
- 邋遢醜陋的女人被認為醜或不修邊幅的邋遢婦女A woman considered ugly or unkempt
- 童年時期--即便成了大人--比爾也不修邊幅。As a child-and as an adult as well-Bill was untidy
- 人們認為有魅力的領導者都不修邊幅。Charismatic leaders are supposed to have rough edges.