拼音:bù xiāng jiāo英文解釋:
【計】 disjoint set相關詞條:
- 一線與一面平行的屬於、有關或指出不相交的一條直線與一個平面的Of, relating to, or designating a line and a plane that do not intersect.
- 和曲線接觸但不相交的一條直線。a straight line that touches but does not intersect a curve
- 平行面的屬於、有關或指出兩個或多個不相交平面的Of, relating to, or designating two or more planes that do not intersect.
- 按照定義說, 平行線是在同一平面上永不相交的線。Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.