拼音:bù xī 英文解釋:
not hesitate; not spare
(1) ∶不顧惜不惜工本(2) ∶捨得為革命不惜犧牲自己的一切 >>
查看“不惜”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
regardlessof 例句:
- 他不惜工本為自己造了一幢別墅。
He spares no expense in building a villa for himself.
- 他不惜一切代價幫助我們。
He spared no expense in helping us.
- 他們不惜工本裝修這棟房子。
They decorated the house regardless of cost.
- 為了能獲得駕駛協和飛機的機會, 我願不惜任何代價。
I'd give my ears for a chance to fly on Concorde.
- 它甚至還不惜代價興建了一條F-1賽道。
It has even splurged on a Formula 1 race track.
- 我主張不惜一切代價按法律辦事。
I took the position that the law must be enforced at all costs.
- 我決心不惜任何代價達到我的目的。
I will accomplish my purpose at any price.
- 他們每次搞聚會都不惜錢財
When they give parties they really go to town.