拼音:bù wèn 英文解釋:
let off; pay no attention to
(1).不慰問。《周禮·秋官·大行人》:“出入三積,不問壹勞。”(2).不過... >>
查看“不問”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他真是自己騙自己--對妻子有外遇不聞不問。
He's such an ostrich he doesn't want to know about his wife's love affairs.
- 他粗暴無禮,我再也不能不聞不問了。
I can't ignore his rudeness any longer.
- 他根本不問我們是死是活。
He little cares whether we live or die.
- 不問其是否...
irrespective as to whether ... or
- 一個不問是非,絕對服從的人。
a person of unquestioning obedience
- 他當然受騙了,不問好壞就隨便亂買東西。你以為是什麼?
Of course, he got gypped.He bought a pig in a poke.What do you expect?
- 這想問一個問題,但重新考慮後決定不問了。
I was going to ask a question but thought better of doing it