字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不通過的英文翻譯


拼音:bù tōng guò


【化】 not go


  1. 這個病人不得不通過靜脈注射來補充營養。
    the patient had to be fed intravenously.
  2. 我們的身體如果不通過喝水,如何吸收水份?
    We absorb water through our skin.
  3. 好父母有時候也不得不通過打孩子來教育他們。
    Good parents sometimes have to spank their children.
  4. 我不得不通過吸菸區才能到達廚房。
    I have to go through the smoking compartment to get to the galley.
  5. 這個案件將不通過法庭而私下解決。
    The case will be settled out of court.
  6. 此直線並不通過所有的點。
    The straight line does not pass through all of the points.
  7. 無聲的,清輔音的不通過聲帶振動發出聲音的,如輔音t和p
    Uttered without vibration of the vocal cords, as the consonants t and p.
