拼音:bù tōng英文解釋:
be illogical; be obstructed【醫】 atresia; atreto-; clausura; impassability; impatency; imperforation
(1).阻塞;不通達。《左傳·成公十三年》:“東道之不通,則是 康公 絶我好也... >>查看“不通”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.atresia 2.impassability漢語造句:
- 你怎么能這么不通人情,還自稱是我的朋友?How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend?
- 來往車輛把市中心堵得水泄不通。Traffic has snarled up the city centre.
- 那閃動的燈光表示此路不通。The flashing lights mean that the road is blocked.
- 我們想了一個又一個主意,但它們似乎都行不通。We tried one idea after the other, but they all seemed to be leading to blind alleys.
- 我原以為這個想法很好,但現在我認為它行不通。I thought it was a good idea, but I don't think it will pan out.