拼音:bù tīng 英文解釋:
close one's ears
(1).謂不聽從別人的意見。《韓非子·外儲說左下》:“ 齊侯 不聽左右, 魏主... >>
查看“不聽”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
deafness 漢語造句:
- 她真是愚蠢,竟不聽一切勸告。
Fool that she was to be deaf to all advice!
- 你不聽母親的話,使她生了氣。
By failing to obey your mother you displeased her.
- 但他們不聽這些話[我們的建議]。
But they turned a deaf ear to these words [our proposal]
- 那孩子不聽話,她啪地一聲打在他的頭上。
She fetched a crack on the child’s head for disobedience
- 如果他不聽勸,我們也沒辦法。
If he does not listen to our advice , we can not help it .
- 他不聽我的勸告而一意孤行。
He did not listen to my advice, but went his own way.