拼音:bǔ shǔ英文解釋:
mouse; rat中文解釋:
捕捉鼠類 >>查看“捕鼠”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 那隻老鼠被捕鼠器捉住了。The rat was caught in a trap.
- 蒙眼貓難捕鼠。Muffle cat catch no mice.
- 貓帶手套難捕鼠。A cat in gloves catch no mice.
- 這隻狗很會捕鼠。This dog is a good ratter
- 那么《哈姆菜特》也就取消了,給我們剩下的就只有《捕鼠器》了。Li Well, that strikes out Hamlet, leaving us the Moustrap only.
- 那隻老鼠被捕鼠器捉住了。The rat was caught in a trap
- 捕鼠尋找或獵捕老鼠,特指用狗獵捕To hunt for or catch rats, especially with the aid of dogs.
- 不會捕鼠的貓a poor mouser