拼音:bù qǐ sù 英文解釋:
【法】 nolle prosequi; non-prosecution; nonprosecution中文解釋:
我國人民檢察院對於有下列情形之一的人作出的決定。違法行為情節顯著輕微,危害不大,... >>
查看“不起訴”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
acquittal 中英例句:
- 我們決定不起訴他們,免得惹事生非。
We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court.
- 試論不起訴制度的效力
Try to Debate the Effect of Hon Prosecutive System
- 我們決定不起訴他們,免得惹事生非.
We have decided not to indict them for keeping out of troubles.
- 我們決定不起訴他們,免得惹事生非.
We decide not to bring an accusation against them in case of troubles.
- 7月份,該陪審團做出了不起訴普醫生犯有7級謀殺罪的裁決。
In July it decided not to indict her for second-degree murder.
- 我們決定不起訴他們, 免得惹事生非.
We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court