- 假如你自己不能生育, 何不考慮過繼一個呢?
If you can not have children of your own, why not consider adoption
- 騾子是不能生育的動物。
A mule is a sterile animal
- 閹過的小母雞由於切除卵巢而不能生育的小母雞,通常為了催肥
A young hen that has been spayed for fattening
- 她不能生育。
She is barren of children .
- 不能生育的。指雄性
Sterile. Used of males.
- 如果不能生育是由於身體上的關係,那么,那個身體是退化的,是錯誤的;
If sterility is due to the body, then the body is degenerate and wrong;
- 他的妻子是不能生育的女人。
His wife is a barren woman
- 一種使生物體不能生育或繁殖的行為(不能再生)。
the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce).