字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>不留神的英文翻譯


拼音:bù liú shén


【法】 unawareness


  1. 他一不留神汽車的頭部碰上了門柱.
    He accidentally nudged the gatepost with the front of the car.
  2. 不加注意的,掉以輕心的;缺少考慮的,不留神
    Marked by or paying little heed; unmindful or thoughtless.
  3. 我準是不留神把鑰匙丟了.
    I must have dropped my keys unawares.
  4. 不留神處於沒意識到逼近的危險或麻煩之中
    To be unaware of imminent danger or trouble.
  5. 不留神碰翻了自己那杯咖啡。
    He inadvertently knocked over his cup of coffee
  6. 不留神忘了。
    It slipped my mind.
  7. 我一不留神那傢伙就溜掉了。
    The guy skipped when I was not looking.
