拼音:bù hé fǎ英文解釋:
【法】 illegality; illegitimation; preter legal; unlawfulness相關詞條:
1.beoutsidethelaw 2.outofthestraight 3.unlawfulness相關對話:
- 做那事是不合法的。It is not lawful to do that.
- 法庭確認他的要求正當,宣布該契約不合法。The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal.
- 法庭已經做出不合法殺害的裁決。The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing.
- 人工流產在這個國家是不合法的。Abortion is illegal in this country.
- 他們投機購買穀物是不合法的。Their speculative buying of grain is illegal.