拼音:bù gù yī qiē 英文解釋:
fling caution to the winds中文解釋:
什麼都不顧。 >>
查看“不顧一切”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
flingcautiontothewinds 2.
throwcautiontothewinds 3.
regardlessness 4.
castcautiontothewinds 例句:
- 她不顧一切後果,決心這樣做。
She is determined to do regardless of all consequences.
- 唯一可做的事情就是不顧一切豁出去。
The only thing to do is to throw caution to the winds.
- 作神風式行動的人極其魯莽,似乎不顧一切尋死的人
An extremely reckless person who seems to court death.
- 年輕人在走霉運的時候可能會不顧一切去搞錢。
A young man down on his luck might do anything to get money
- 唯一可做的事情就是不顧一切豁出去。
The only thing to do is to throw caution to the winds.
- (指人)因絕望和急迫而危險的不顧一切的和凶暴的。
(of persons) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair.
- 受不景氣打擊的各州不顧一切地設法阻止工作機會的銳減,已把互相合作的承諾忘得一乾二淨。
desperately tried to stop the plunge in jobs
- 我們不顧一切地緊緊抱在一起。
We clung desperately together.