拼音:bù gù英文解釋:
disregard; in spite of; neglect; regardless【法】 ignore
(1).不回頭看。《史記·刺客列傳》:“於是 荊軻 就車而去,終已不顧。” 晉... >>查看“不顧”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.neglect 2.incontemptof 3.regardless 4.indisregardof 5.indefianceof 6.disregardfulness 7.intheteethof 8.thefaceof 9.spite 10.ignore 11.withoutrespectto 12.walkoutonsb. 13.brushaside 14.disregard 15.setaside 16.irrespectiveof中英例句:
- 她顯然絲毫也不顧及別人以及別人的感情。She shows a total disregard for other people and their feelings.
- 不顧他們的警告Neglected their warnings.
- 我們不顧惡劣的天氣而去釣魚。In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing.
- 他不顧河水冰冷跳下去捉那條鱸魚。He jumped into the river to catch the big bass in defiance of the cold water.
- 他不顧朋友們的反對,繼續他建造飛行器的計畫。He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends.