字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>布爾的英文翻譯


拼音:bù ěr


【計】 B; BOOL


  1. 布爾代數中的一種運算,它同時對兩個二進制數字進行如下操作:如果一個數或二個數為1,則結果為1;如果二個數均為零,則結果為零。它的邏輯算符是OR運算符。
    An operation performed in Boolean algebra on two binary digits simultaneously in a way that the result is one if either one or both digits are a one, or zero if both digits are zero. The logic operator is the OR operator.
  2. 執行“蘊含”布爾操作的一種(邏輯)門電路。
    A gate that performs the Boolean operation of implication.
  3. 這些元素比較兩個值,產生一個布爾代數結果。
    These elements compare two values, producing a boolean result
  4. 屬於或關於喬治·布爾或他的邏輯的。
    of or relating to George Boole or his logic.
  5. 所有的伊斯坦布爾人都成了工程師!
    All of Istanbul had become engineers!
  6. 布爾群代數夾心半群的極大子群
    Maximal Subgroups in Sandwich Semigroups of Boolean Group Aagebra
  7. 布爾矩陣分析離散事件系統
    Analysis of Discrete Event Systems Using Boolean Martix
