- 運用屬性抽樣時,審計師不得不做出很多決定。"
An auditor has to make a number of decisions when using attribute sampling.
- 他因受制於契約而不得不做那個工作。
He was tied to the job by his contract.
- 他開始時說他不得不做那件事。
He led off by saying that he had to do it .
- 運用屬性抽樣時,審計師不得不做出很多決定。"
An auditor has to make a number of decisions when using attribute sampling
- 我們不得不做確信是對的事情。
we have to do what is right confidently.
- 改朝換代不得不做,他們說:我們不是朝鮮。
Dynastic succession has to go, they say: we are not North Korea.
- 跟你打交道不得不做好準備。
I have to be well prepared with you.
- 為了勝利,不得不做一些自己不喜歡的事.
In order to win, you may have to do some things you do not want to do.