字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>部的的英文翻譯


拼音:bù de


【法】 ministerial


  1. 要健全教育部的機構。
    We must improve the organization of the Ministry of Education.
  2. 瓊斯教授似乎已成了該俱樂部的常客了。
    Professor Jones seem to have become a fixture in that club
  3. 亞洲東部的一串島嶼。
    a string of islands east of Asia.
  4. 這個計畫得到了信息部的批准。
    The plan was approved by the Ministry of Communication.
  5. 西印度群島中一個位於古巴南部和海地西部的島嶼。
    an island in the West Indies south of Cuba and west of Haiti.
  6. 經理用內部的通話系統向員工講話。
    The manager spoke to the employees over the intercom.
  7. 太平洋上智利中部的一個旅遊勝地。
    a resort city on the Pacific in central Chile.
  8. 廣泛分布在北美洲東部的高大榆樹。
    tall widely distributed elm of eastern North America.
