字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>補充的的英文翻譯


拼音:bǔ chōng de


compensatory; complementary; supplementary
【計】 expletory
【醫】 snpplementary; supplemental
【經】 complementary; supplemental; supplementary


1.complemental  2.compensative  3.odditional  4.adscititious  5.adminicular  6.supplemental  7.accessorial  8.accessory  9.subsidiary  


  1. 無產階級的隊伍就是這樣從居民的所有階級中得到補充的
    Thus the proletariat is recruited from all classes of the population.
  2. 你講得非常好。誰還有補充的嗎?
    Is there anybody who has anything more to say?
  3. 我對我先前說的話, 沒有什麼補充的.
    I have nothing to add to my earlier statement
  4. 有誰要補充的
    Has anyone anything to add ?
  5. 補充的,而非競爭的使用
    A complementary, not competitive use
  6. 你還有什麼補充的嗎?
    Anything else you want to add?
  7. (語法)標誌著相應或補充的關係。
    (grammar) indicating a reciprocal or complementary relation
  8. 我可以把補充的數字打到這頁紙的底部。
    I can type the additional figures in at the bottom of the page.
