字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>博弈論的英文翻譯


拼音:bó yì lùn


【計】 game theory; theory of game
【化】 game theory


  1. 巴勒斯坦民族悲劇的博弈論分析
    An Analysis of the Palestinian NationTragedy in terms of the Game theory
  2. 供應鏈管理環境下採購管理的博弈論分析
    The Game Analysis of Procurement Management Under SCM Environment
  3. 博弈論分析摩托羅拉網路服務的策略
    The Strategy of Motorola Network Service: Game Theory View
  4. “費”的博弈論
    On Fee collection: From a Chess playing Perspective
  5. 哲學——思想的博弈論
    Philosophy: Chess - playing of Thought
  6. 博弈論在投資組合選擇中的套用
    The Application of Game Theory to Portfolio Investment
  7. “公用地悲劇”的博弈論分析
    Game Analysis on "The Tragedy of the Commons"
