拼音:bó wù英文解釋:
haze; mist中文解釋:
淡薄的霧氣;霾 >>查看“薄霧”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gauze 2.damphaze 3.fainthaze 4.thinfog相關對話:
- 山谷中薄霧裊裊。Eddies of mist rose from the valley.
- 小山隱沒在薄霧中難以看清。The hills were barely visible through the mist.
- 薄霧籠罩著周圍的景色。Mist obscured the view.
- 我們看著薄霧從下面的山谷中升起。We watched the mists ascending from the valley below.
- 薄霧遮住了風景。The scene misted over.
- 薄霧在那座古老的城堡的周圍打轉轉。The mist eddied round the old castle.
- 太陽慢慢升起,薄霧漸漸消失。The mists was fleeing before the rising sun.
- 山頂上薄霧環繞。Mist wreathed the hilltops.