拼音:bō wén英文解釋:
corrugation; crinkle; ripple; ruffle【機】 ripple
水面輕微起伏而形成的水紋 >>查看“波紋”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.ruffle 2.waverness 3.waveness 4.curlygrain 5.damaskeen 6.flowmark 7.feedmarks 8.Moirepattern 9.cockles 10.waviness 11.moire 12.crinkle 13.wavycord 14.settlemark 15.ripples 16.damascene相關對話:
- 她把一塊石頭扔進池塘里,看著水的波紋擴散開。She threw a stone into the pond and watched the ripples spread.
- 波紋織物或金屬的波紋或光澤A wavy finish or sheen, as of a fabric or metal.
- 極板網柵,蓄電池電極板蓄電池中呈波紋狀或有孔的導電板A corrugated or perforated conducting plate in a storage battery.
- 基於ANSYS的U形波紋管熱應力分析Thermal-stress Analysis of the U-shape Bellow Based on ANSYS
- 她在這個詞的下面畫了一條波紋線。She drew a wavy line under the word
- 三圓弧波紋膜片的設計Design of Three-convolution Circular Arc Corrugated Diaphragms
- 波紋不鏽鋼管材在燃氣工程中的套用Application of CSST in Gas Project
- 這頭髮披散在她身上,好象褐色的小瀑布,波紋起伏,光可照人。It fell about her, rippling and shining like a brown waterfall