拼音:bó qǐ英文解釋:
erect【醫】 erection
原來鬆弛的、含有海綿狀組織的身體部分充血時形成為堅挺膨脹的狀態;陰莖或陰蒂的堅挺... >>查看“勃起”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 按摩自己到勃起。Massage your self to an erection.
- 有的勃起,有的軟軟得垂下。Testicles tied up in twine.
- 勃起功能障礙(erectile dysfunction,ED)是中老年人的常見疾病。Erectile dysfunction(ED) is a common ailment in middle-aged and old men
- 他曾勃起了一回,不過又軟下去了。He had one hard on, but it faded out.
- 男人是勃起的歷史。Man is the history of erection.
- 他因為這夢境竟然勃起了,他詛咒著他自己。He wakes up unbearably aroused, and curses himself.
- 結果27例病人性功能均存在,勃起功能良好。Results All the patients followed had a satisfactory erection function