拼音:bí yān英文解釋:
由鼻孔吸入的粉末狀的菸草製品 >>查看“鼻煙”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.rappee 2.maccaboy例句:
- 菸草葉這種植物的葉子,曬乾後加工,主要用於製作香菸、雪茄、鼻煙或在菸斗中抽The leaves of this plant, dried and processed chiefly for use in cigarettes, cigars, or snuff or for smoking in pipes.
- 她收集鼻煙盒。She collects snuff-boxes.
- 妙趣天成的瑪瑙鼻煙壺Wonderful snuff bottles of agate
- 我父親過去常吸鼻煙。My father used to take snuff.
- 鼻煙壺的價值界定和收藏取向The determination of value rand direction of collection of snuff bottle
- 我祖父以前常吸鼻煙。My grandfather used to take snuff.
- 濃烈粗鼻煙一種由暗色,粗糙的菸草製成的強烈的鼻煙A strong snuff made from a dark, coarse tobacco