字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>並指的英文翻譯


拼音:bìng zhǐ


【醫】 ankylodactylia; aschistodactylia; dactylion; dactylium
dactylosymphysis; interdigitate; interdigitation; phalanges tufted
syndactylia; syndactylism; syndactyly; zygodactyly


1.syndactyly  2.syndactylia  3.dactylion  4.ankylodactyly  5.symphalangia  6.interdigitattion  


  1. 教師指著牆上的地圖並指出了在地圖上巴黎的位置。
    The teacher is pointing at the map on the wall and pointing out Paris on it.
  2. 吹毛求疵的傾向於找出並指出細小錯誤的
    Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults.
  3. 我用肘碰了她一下並指了指街對面的那個男的
    I nudged her and pointed to the man across the street
  4. 計畫並指導一件非常複雜的事情。
    plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
  5. 有意達到並指導行動的預期結果。
    an anticipated outcome that is intended or guides your planned actions.
  6. 吹毛求疵的傾向於找出並指出細小錯誤的
    Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults
