拼音:bìng tài英文解釋:
morbidity; peccancy【計】 ill-condition
【醫】 morbid state; pathosis; sirupus ferri jodati
(1) (2) 病狀;病人的體態(3) 指人的某種不正常表現 >>查看“病態”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.morbidness 2.morbidity 3.morbidcondition 4.pathosis 5.pathologicalform 6.peccancy 7.shatter 8.diseasedness 9.illcondition 10.morbid 11.illheath 12.morbidstate 13.illcondition漢語造句:
- 她總在做病態的想像。She always has a morbid imagination.
- 他渴望出風頭已跡近病態。His craving for publicity has become almost a perversion
- 她對老鼠有病態恐懼。She has a complex about rats
- 對女性產生病態的恐懼。a morbid fear of women
- 不正常或病態的血管形成An abnormal or pathological formation of blood vessels.
- 習以為常的撒謊者;病態的成功欲。a pathological liar; a pathological urge to succeed