- 冰淇淋的各種成分
the ingredients of ice cream
- 喬和蘇菲手牽手走向賣冰淇淋的人。
Joel and Sophie walk over to the ice-cream vendor hand-in-hand.
- 吃冰淇淋的滋味就好像嬰兒笑得很開心。
The taste of ice-cream would be like a baby laughing joyfully
- 低熱量 低脂肪植物蛋白冰淇淋的開發
Development of vegetable protein icecream containing low heat and fat
- )只為了取得一份製作香草冰淇淋的配方。
) for a vanilla ice cream recipe
- 請來一杯帶冰淇淋的可口可樂。
I'll have a coke float please
- 飲料一種上面浮有冰淇淋的軟飲料
A soft drink with ice cream floating in it
- 高腳玻璃杯用來放水果冰淇淋的高腳玻璃杯
The stemmed glass in which a coupe is served