拼音:bì kāi英文翻譯
avoid; shun; step aside; turn aside; dodge; escape; sheer off; avoidance【法】 stand off
1.letsomethingalone 2.runout 3.parry 4.turnoff 5.shun 6.stepaside 7.staveoff 8.sheeroff 9.shyoff 10.shieldoff 11.keepoutoftheway 12.aloof 13.eschew 14.gotoutoftheway 15.getoutoftheway 16.fightshyof例句:
- 星期三是避開人群去旅行的最佳時間。Midweek is a good time to travel to avoid the crowds.
- 她猛然向左轉動方向盤避開一個騎車的人。She turned the steering-wheel sharply to the left to avoid a cyclist.
- 在人行道的內側走,避開車輛的廢氣。Walk on the inside to avoid the traffic fumes.
- 我們走旁道,就能避開市鎮的中心。If we take the bypass we'll avoid the town centre.
- 如果要避開市中心,請從這裡向右轉彎。To avoid the city center, turn right here.
- 他呆在幕後為了避開公眾的注意。He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.