- 倫敦最高的房屋同紐約的摩天大廈比較起來,仍然很小。
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.
- 和別人比較起來,他相當遲鈍。
He is rather dull in comparison with others.
- 你能告訴我這個和那個比較起來如何?
Can you tell me how this compare to that?
- 這點進步,跟我的失敗比較起來,似乎很小。
This improvement seemed insignificant compared with my failures.
- 與籃球比較起來,我更喜歡排球。
I prefer volleyball to basketball.
- 你能告訴我這個和那個比較起來如何?
Can you tell me how this compares to that ?
- 橘子和檸檬比較起來我更喜歡橘子。
I like orange better than lemon.
- 比較起來,我喜歡老式建築結構。
In contrast, I like the old-style buildings.