拼音:biàn sòng qì 英文解釋:
【化】 transducer; transmitter; transmitting instrument相關對話:
- 可定址數字儀(ADI)是新一代變送器。
Addressable digital instruments (ADIs) are new generation of transducers .
- 差壓式水位變送器的調試
Test and Adjustment of Differential Pressure Water Level Transducers
- 嵌入式科里奧利質量流量變送器的設計
The Design of Embedded Coriolis Mass Flow Transimitter
- 新型數字式科氏質量流量變送器
A New Digital Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter
- 傳統變送器的HART改造
HART Retrofit of Traditional Transmitters
- 減小壓力變送器漂移的方法
Methods to Reduce Drift of Pressure Transducers
- 帶 CAN 匯流排的智慧型溫度變送器的研製
Research of a smart temperature transmitter with CAN bus
- 一種新式轉角變送器電路的分析與設計
Analysis and Design of a New Circuit of Angle Transducer