拼音:biàn jiān英文解釋:
memo; memorandum; note; notepaper; scratch paper【經】 memorandum
具有一定質量、尺碼或摺痕的適宜於筆記、書信及便條用的書寫用箋;便條 >>查看“便箋”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他在電話機旁的便箋本草草記下一個通知。He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone.
- 青銅雕像;用德文寫的便箋A statue in bronze; a note written in German
- 我們應當訂購一些A3型有抬頭的便箋紙。You must photocopy the spreadsheet on A3 paper.
- 如果你需要更多的辦公用品就寫一個便箋給辦公室經理。Write a memo to the office manager if you need more supplies
- 我喜歡不帶條的便箋。I prefer notepaper without any line.
- 它具有5個定義用戶的按鈕,一個運行視窗和便箋本。It also features five user definable buttons, a run window, and scratch pad
- 如果你需要更多的辦公用品就寫一個便箋給辦公室經理。Write a memo to the office manager if you need more supplies.
- 他拿出一張便箋薄準備給母親寫信。Taking out a pad , he prepared to write to his mother