拼音:biàn huà英文解釋:
change; turn; vary; diversification; movement; transformation; transmutationvariation
【醫】 allaxis; alleosis; alloeosis; change
事物產生新的狀況初漸謂之變,變時新舊兩體俱有;變盡舊體而有新體,謂之化。&mda... >>查看“變化”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 導致運動、動作或者變化。causing motion or action or change.
- 海溫變化對颱風路徑的影響The Influence of SST Variation on Typhoon Track
- 沒有變化能持續很長時間的。lasting a long time without change
- 紫膠蟲種群密度變化與泌膠的研究Studies on Population Density and Secretion of Lac Insect
- 我們看到已發生了化學變化。We saw that a chemical change had taken place
- 從我們上次參觀以來,這個村子發生了很大的變化。The village has changed a great deal since we last visited .
- 溫度常常引起物態的變化。The temperature often effects a change of the state of matter
- 物價隨需求變化而反覆漲跌。Prices see-saw according to demand.