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拼音:biàn de


【機】 allochroic


  1. 一成不變的例行日常公事
    The monotony of daily routine.
  2. 變的謠言四起。
    Rumors of a revolt were afloat
  3. 一種固定的或不可變的值、參數或數據項。
    A fixed or invariable value, parameter or data item
  4. 目前的發展,不過是全國性突然事變的開端而已。
    Present developments are but the opening phase of a national emergency
  5. 結果二維CT能較好地顯示骨骼病變的內部結構,但只能以橫斷面顯示,範圍較為局限;
    Results 2D CT could only reveal intraskeletal structures on axial plane.
  6. 聯合聲明確定的內容肯定是不會變的
    It is certain that the contents of the Joint Declaration will not change.
  7. 但同時帶有兩個突變的基因,卻會讓個體疼痛並且壽命減短。
    But two copies doom the bearer to pain and a shortened life span
  8. 一款小巧便攜的醫療產品,在已有的不可變的電路板基礎上進行外形改造。
    This small medical product is design on the base of fix board.
