拼音:biān dǎ英文翻譯
cane; flagellate; flog; lash; scourge; thrash; whip; flagellation【醫】 dippoldism
1.flogging 2.lashing 3.larrup 4.lam 5.thrashing 6.toko 7.whipping 8.knout 9.lick 10.whang 11.whipup 12.fladge 13.givetherod 14.caning 15.flagellation 16.flagellate例句:
- 這個奴隸被鞭打死。The slave was strapped to death.
- 嚴懲棒打、鞭打尤用以懲戒、責打A thrashing administered especially as punishment.
- 條痕因鞭打或猛擊或有時困為過敏反應而產生的狹長隆起或腫塊A ridge or bump on the skin caused by a lash or blow or sometimes by an allergic reaction.
- 猛擊,猛抽產生這種痕跡的鞭打或猛擊A lash or blow producing such a mark.
- 鞭打死馬,徒勞無益。It is useless to flog a dead horse.