- 在…上鍍錫把(金屬)浸在酸中或鍍錫,使之變白
To whiten(a metal) by soaking in acid or by coating with tin.
- 漂白使變白,尤指通過漂白
To make or become white, especially by bleaching.
- 在…上鍍錫把(金屬)浸在酸中或鍍錫,使之變白
To whiten(a metal) by soaking in acid or by coating with tin
- 您的頭髮變白了。您是否要染一下?
Your hair is greying. Do you want to have it dyed?
- 使變白;刷白
To whiten; whitewash.
- 正在變白的,帶白色的正在變成白色或變得微帶白色的;帶有白色的
Becoming white or moderately white; whitish.
- 時光流逝,我的頭髮變白了。
The time went on, and I became grey-haired.
- 把衣服鋪在草地上使變乾或變白。
spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach.