拼音:biàn bái英文解釋:
apologize; plead innocence; apology【法】 vindication
申辯 >>查看“辯白”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.apologize 2.setourselvesrightwith 3.setourselvesright漢語造句:
- 新聞界發表文章抨擊女王是不對的,因為她不能辯白。It's wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she can't answer back.
- 那樣,你只得自?em>斜綈琢恕?In that case you'll have to clear yourself.
- 伯16:21願人得與神辯白、如同人與朋友辯白一樣。"O that a man might plead with God As a man with his neighbor!
- 他的辯白非常中肯。His defending argument was well to the purpose.
- 辯白自己無盜竊嫌疑exculpate oneself from a charge of theft
- 辯白用解釋減少To minimize by explanation.
- 我懷疑這裡會充滿各式各樣胡說八道的自我辯白。We suspect that there will be all sorts of self-justifying guff from them.