字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>變的英文翻譯 “變”的日文翻譯



become; change
【醫】 meta-; pecilo-; poecil-; poikilo-


變 (變) biàn 性質狀態或情形和以前不同,更改:變調。變動。變法。變為。...


  1. 要改這個現狀並不難。
    That is an easy concept to fix.
  2. 量子Heisenberg模型的分累積展開研究(英文)
    Variational-cumulant expansion of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet
  3. 更在形式或特徵上改,修改
    To change in form or character; alter.
  4. 今年我的祖母已得軟弱無力。
    My grandmother has become feeble this year.
  5. 隨著這次轉,帶來了給地球的新的天氣模式。
    With this shift carries a new paradigm of weather for your planet.
  6. 水能把一片不毛之地成一座花園。
    Water can transform a desert into a garden
  7. 每年的這個時候天氣都化無常。
    The weather is terribly changeable at this time of the year.
  8. 船長改航向,開始朝東航行。
    The captain put the ship about and started to sail east.
