字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>奔走的英文翻譯 “奔走”的日文翻譯


拼音:bēn zǒu


on the run; run; rush about


(1) ∶為某種目的而奔波忙碌無奔走之勞矣。——明&mi... >>查看“奔走”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.legwork  2.ontherun  3.trot  


  1. 在工廠里,工人都把這個好訊息奔走相告。
    In the factories the workers shouted the good news to each other.
  2. 她被迫四處奔走求救於人,但願意幫她的人一個不如一個。
    She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.
  3. 為了送給她一件禮物,我一上午都在全市奔走尋找。
    I've been chasing around town all morning looking for a present for her.
  4. 在工廠里,工人都把這個好訊息奔走相告。
    In the factories the workers shouted the good news to each other.
  5. 在四處奔走的時候,你將隨機遇敵,進行戰鬥。
    The meters show your HP, MP, and "AP".
  6. 為了加強那波聲浪,史瓦茲奔走世界各地。
    To help that storm gather strength, Swartz is crisscrossing the globe.
  7. 身為業務員,一個月當中有三個星期我都到處奔走兜攬生意。
    As a salesman, I am on the road about three weeks per month
  8. 奔走相告
    lose no time in telling each other the news
