拼音:běn jiè 英文解釋:
(1) ∶ 正在進行的;屬於這一次的本屆大會(2) ∶今年的本屆大學生 >>
查看“本屆”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 本屆錦標賽的所有金牌都被這個隊奪得。
All the gold medals for the championship fell to the team.
- 本屆聯大
the present session of the U.N. General Assembly
- 誰是本屆奧運會的承辦者?
Who is the organizer of the Olympic Games?
- 我剛才是想知道誰將擔任本屆會議的主席。
I was just wondering who would be chairman of this conference.
- 誰是本屆奧運會的協辦者?
Who is the assistant organizer of the Olympic Games?
- 不知道,有多少國家參加了本屆杯賽?
No. how many countries have participated in this tournament?
- 本屆政府1998年3月就職,任期即將結束。
This government took office in March 1998, and its term is about to expire.
- 本屆政府的首要目標是實現社會穩定。
The central aim of this government is social stability.