stretch tight中文解釋:
繃 (綳) bēng 張緊,拉緊:繃緊。小褂緊繃在身上。 當中用藤皮、棕繩等物...>>查看“繃”在國語字典中的解釋
- 比賽中體操運動員腳尖不繃直的話會被扣分。unpointed toes can cost a gymnast demerits in competition
- 如果你再拉緊小提琴的那根弦, 它就會繃斷。If you increase the tension of that violin string it will break.
- 用繃帶包起來的動作。the act of applying a bandage
- 把裹布或繃帶從…上解下To remove the swathes or bindings from.
- 他繃著臉不說話。He kept a straight face and remained speechless
- 敷藥將藥物、繃帶或其它治療用材料敷於傷口To apply medication, bandages, or other therapeutic materials to(a wound).
- 繃場面keep up appearances
- 他解開繃帶時鮮血頓時源源不絕的湧出。When he removed the bandage there was a gush of blood.