- 所有的房間都裝備有電爐以保持室內撮氏15-20度的常溫。
All roams are equipped with electric heaters to keep indoor temperatures constant at15-2.0.
- 他總是備有幾箱酒。
He always keeps several cases of wine in store.
- 只有少數幾個商店備有特大號服裝出售。
Only a few stores carry portlies
- 此行我還認識到旅館或飯店配備有隨叫隨到的醫生和牙醫的重要性。
I also learned about the importance of having a doctor and dentist on call.
- 冬季租車時,應檢查一下是否備有防滑輪胎。
When hire a car in the winter, check if it have snow tyre
- 裝備有雷達的飛機,在夜間飛行時飛行員能夠在雷達螢幕上看見遠處的建築物、或許還能看見前面幾英里遠的險峻山峰。
distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead
- 裝備有電冰櫃系統的運貨車廂。
a freight car that is equipped with refrigeration system